Overview: A New Era
In March 2024, AllMovie officially announced that it is “evolving” — in other words, it is shedding any connection to the database of reviews, biographies, and metadata that made the website so valuable for so many years.
For those not aware of how AllMusic and AllMovie work behind the scenes, the writers contribute to a database — a database that has changed ownership multiple times over the years, and as of this moment is owned by Xperi, a technology company that owns familiar A/V brands such as DTS, HD Radio, and IMAX Enhanced.
The Power of Metadata
Xperi came to own the AllMusic and AllMovie databases through a merger with TiVo in 2020. The metadata in these databases has formed the basis for much of how we have discovered and interacted with music and movie content for decades.
The algorithms of entertainment apps and streaming services mine this metadata — not just what is officially credited on a work but also curated attributes like genres, subgenres, themes, moods, tones, etc. — to better serve the user what he or she is looking for.
What About the websites?
The websites at and have different ownership (currently NetAktion), and merely license the information/metadata from the databases owned by Xperi (just like streaming services do, FYI).
While editors are credited thousands of times on reviews and biographies on, they are actually employed by Xperi. The same is true for the editors on
How AllMovie Has Changed
Or at least it was. This brings us to’s latest evolution. The ratings, reviews, biographies, themes, moods, etc. some of us have grown to rely on are gone across the website. According to AllMovie’s announcement, the website has “moved to a different data provider.”
What this obviously means is they can no longer justify the cost of licensing data from the Xperi database. I have long suspected that AllMovie doesn’t get nearly the amount of traffic as AllMusic, and according to Ahrefs, this is indeed the case.
How Much Traffic Does AllMusic Generate?
According to Ahrefs, generates approximately 415,000 monthly visits from organic search in the United States:
How Much Traffic Does AllMovie Generate?
Contrast this with, which according to Ahrefs generates approximately 29,300 monthly visits from organic search in the United States:
What Does This Mean?
This is obviously a vast difference, which is no doubt reflected in both the ad revenue and membership revenue collected.
Clearly, a decision was made to go in another direction by selecting a different data provider than the database the website is known for using.
What Happens to the List of Movies on This Page?
Now that the database owned by TiVo can no longer be accessed publicly via (or anywhere else, for that matter), the list of 5-star movies in that database are now frozen in time right here.
Obviously, this is both good and bad. It’s nice to have a historical record, but a bit of a bummer to know that the list will never be added to again.
Can I Still Read the Reviews of the 5-Star Movies?
For the most part, yes. Since I still had the original links saved, I was able to find most of the reviews on the Wayback Machine (Internet Archive) and create links to those archived reviews.
Therefore, you can still use the list below to navigate to the review page (or just the overview page if an archive of the review page doesn’t exist) or to the director biography page.
Is the List on This Page Now Presented Any Differently?
Nope. Feature films are still sorted by decade, and other categories are still separated out like they used to be.
On the side of the page there is now a navigational set of tabs with “jump links” under them that allow you to instantly move to the section of the list that most interests you.
Simply click on the category tab (Features, Animation, Documentaries, Performances, Miniseries, or Series) to reveal the list of jump links for that category, and then click on the link to jump down to the corresponding section.

With the development of theatrical exhibition at the beginning of the 20th century, the feature film emerged as the primary source of entertainment within the evening’s program.
Of course, as the film industry became more commercially refined by the end of the 20th century, the feature film eventually became the only entertainment included with the purchase of a movie ticket.
In cinematic terms, features generally consist of live footage staged for a camera, later edited into a narrative. Features do not include documentaries or animated films, which are cinematically different.
The Silent Era
- The Great Train Robbery (1903, dir. Edwin S. Porter) [United States]
- Barney Oldfield’s Race for a Life (1913, dir. Mack Sennett) [United States]
- The Birth of a Nation (1915, dir. D.W. Griffith) [United States]
- Intolerance (1916, dir. D.W. Griffith) [United States]
- The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1919, dir. Robert Weine) [Germany]
- The Kid (1921, dir. Charles Chaplin) [United States]
- Häxan (1922, dir. Benjamin Christensen) [Sweden]
- The Enchanted Cottage (1924, dir. John S. Robertson) [United States]
- Greed (1924, dir. Erich von Stroheim) [United States]
- The Last Laugh (1924, dir. F.W. Murnau) [Germany]
- The Navigator (1924, dir. Donald Crisp & Buster Keaton) [United States]
- Sherlock Jr. (1924, dir. Buster Keaton) [United States]
- Battleship Potemkin (1925, dir. Sergei Eisenstein) [Soviet Union]
- The Gold Rush (1925, dir. Charles Chaplin) [United States]
- The Lost World (1925, dir. Harry Hoyt & William Dowling) [United States]
- The Phantom of the Opera (1925, dir. Rupert Julian) [United States]
- Variété (1925, dir. Ewald André Dupont) [Germany]
- The General (1927, dir. Clyde Bruckman & Buster Keaton) [United States]
- The Kid Brother (1927, dir. Lewis Milestone & J.A. Howe & Ted Wilde) [United States]
- Metropolis (1927, dir. Fritz Lang) [Germany]
- Napoléon (1927, dir. Abel Gance) [France]
- The Second Hundred Years (1927, dir. Fred Guiol) [United States]
- Sunrise (1927, dir. F.W. Murnau) [United States]
- The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928, dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer) [France]
- Un Chien Andalou (1928, dir. Luis Buñuel) [France]
- Big Business (1929, dir. James W. Horne & Leo McCarey) [United States]
- Earth (1930, dir. Alexander Dovzhenko) [Soviet Union]
- City Lights (1931, dir. Charles Chaplin) [United States]
The 1930s
- All Quiet on the Western Front (1930, dir. Lewis Milestone) [United States]
- The Blue Angel (1930, dir. Josef von Sternberg) [Germany]
- Earth (1930, dir. Alexander Dovzhenko) [Ukraine, Soviet Union]
- Little Caesar (1930, dir. Mervyn LeRoy) [United States]
- City Lights (1931, dir. Charles Chaplin) [United States]
- Dracula (1931, dir. Tod Browning) [United States]
- Frankenstein (1931, dir. James Whale) [United States]
- The Front Page (1931, dir. Lewis Milestone) [United States]
- M (1931, dir. Fritz Lang) [Germany]
- The Public Enemy (1931, dir. William Wellman) [United States]
- Boudu Saved from Drowning (1932, dir. Jean Renoir) [France]
- Freaks (1932, dir. Tod Browning) [United States]
- Grand Hotel (1932, dir. Edmund Goulding) [United States]
- I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932, dir. Mervyn LeRoy) [United States]
- Scarface (1932, dir. Howard Hawks) [United States]
- Trouble in Paradise (1932, dir. Ernst Lubitsch) [United States]
- Duck Soup (1933, dir. Leo McCarey) [United States]
- 42nd Street (1933, dir. Lloyd Bacon) [United States]
- King Kong (1933, dir. Merian C. Cooper & Ernest B. Schoedsack) [United States]
- Little Women (1933, dir. George Cukor) [United States]
- It Happened One Night (1934, dir. Frank Capra) [United States]
- L’Atalante (1934, dir. Jean Vigo) [France]
- Manhattan Melodrama (1934, dir. W.S. Van Dyke) [United States]
- The Thin Man (1934, dir. W.S. Van Dyke) [United States]
- The Bride of Frankenstein (1935, dir. James Whale) [United States]
- A Tale of Two Cities (1935, dir. Jack Conway) [United States]
- The 39 Steps (1935, dir. Alfred Hitchcock) [United Kingdom]
- A Night at the Opera (1935, dir. Sam Wood) [United States]
- Top Hat (1935, dir. Mark Sandrich) [United States]
- My Man Godfrey (1936, dir. Gregory La Cava) [United States]
- Modern Times (1936, dir. Charles Chaplin) [United States]
- Grand Illusion (1937, dir. Jean Renoir) [France]
- A Star Is Born (1937, dir. Jack Conway & William Wellman) [United States]
- They Won’t Forget (1937, dir. Mervyn Leroy) [United States]
- The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938, dir. Michael Curtiz) [United States]
- Bringing Up Baby (1938, dir. Howard Hawks) [United States]
- You Can’t Take It with You (1938, dir. Frank Capra) [United States]
- The Four Feathers (1939, dir. Zoltan Korda) [United Kingdom, United States]
- Gone with the Wind (1939, dir. Victor Fleming) [United States]
- Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939, dir. Frank Capra) [United States]
- The Rules of the Game (1939, dir. Jean Renoir) [France]
- Stagecoach (1939, dir. John Ford) [United States]
- The Wizard of Oz (1939, dir. Victor Fleming) [United States]
The 1940s
- The Bank Dick (1940, dir. Edward F. Cline) [United States]
- The Grapes of Wrath (1940, dir. John Ford) [United States]
- The Great Dictator (1940, dir. Charles Chaplin) [United States]
- His Girl Friday (1940, dir. Howard Hawks) [United States]
- The Philadelphia Story (1940, dir. George Cukor) [United States]
- Rebecca (1940, dir. Alfred Hitchcock) [United States]
- The Thief of Bagdad (1940, dir. Ludwig Berger) [United Kingdom, United States]
- Citizen Kane (1941, dir. Orson Welles) [United States]
- The Lady Eve (1941, dir. Preston Sturges) [United States]
- The Maltese Falcon (1941, dir. John Huston) [United States]
- Sullivan’s Travels (1941, dir. Preston Sturges) [United States]
- Casablanca (1942, dir. Michael Curtiz) [United States]
- Cat People (1942, dir. Jacques Tourneur) [United States]
- The Magnificent Ambersons (1942, dir. Orson Welles) [United States]
- Now, Voyager (1942, dir. Irving Rapper) [United States]
- To Be or Not to Be (1942, dir. Ernst Lubitsch) [United States]
- Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942, dir. Michael Curtiz) [United States]
- Heaven Can Wait (1943, dir. Ernst Lubitsch) [United States]
- Meshes of the Afternoon (1943, dir. Maya Deren) [United States]
- Osessione (1943, dir. Luchino Visconti) [Italy]
- The Ox-Bow Incident (1943, dir. William Wellman) [United States]
- Double Indemnity (1944, dir. Billy Wilder) [United States]
- Henry V (1944, dir. Laurence Olivier) [United Kingdom]
- I Bambini Ci Guardano (1944, dir. Vittorio De Sica) [Italy]
- Laura (1944, dir. Otto Preminger) [United States]
- Meet Me in St. Louis (1944, dir. Vincente Minnelli) [United States]
- National Velvet (1944, dir. Clarence Brown) [United States]
- Brief Encounter (1945, dir. David Lean) [United Kingdom]
- The Lost Weekend (1945, dir. Billy Wilder) [United States]
- Mildred Pierce (1945, dir. Michael Curtiz) [United States]
- Open City (1945, dir. Roberto Rossellini) [Italy]
- The Way to the Stars (1945, dir. Anthony Asquith) [United Kingdom]
- Beauty and the Beast (1946, dir. Jean Cocteau) [France]
- The Best Years of Our Lives (1946, dir. William Wyler) [United States]
- The Big Sleep (1946, dir. Howard Hawks) [United States]
- A Day in the Country (1946, dir. Jean Renoir) [France]
- Great Expections (1946, dir. David Lean) [United Kingdom]
- It’s a Wonderful Life (1946, dir. Frank Capra) [United States]
- The Killers (1946, dir. Robert Siodmak) [United States]
- It’s a Matter of Life and Death (1946, dir. Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger) [United Kingdom]
- My Darling Clementine (1946, dir. John Ford) [United States]
- Notorious (1946, dir. Alfred Hitchcock) [United States]
- Body and Soul (1947, dir. Robert Rossen) [United States]
- Miracle on 34th Street (1947, dir. George Seaton) [United States]
- Out of the Past (1947, dir. Jacques Tourneur) [United States]
- Shoeshine (1947, dir. Vittorio De Sica) [Italy]
- The Bicycle Thief (1948, dir. Vittorio De Sica) [Italy]
- Hamlet (1948, dir. Laurence Olivier) [United Kingdom]
- Red River (1948, dir. Howard Hawks) [United States]
- The Red Shoes (1948, dir. Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger) [United Kingdom]
- The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948, dir. John Huston) [United States]
- Adam’s Rib (1949, dir. George Cukor) [United States]
- Late Spring (1949, dir. Yasujiro Ozu) [Japan]
- A Letter to Three Wives (1949, dir. Joseph L. Mankiewicz) [United States]
- On the Town (1949, dir. Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly) [United States]
- The Third Man (1949, dir. Carol Reed) [United Kingdom]
- White Heat (1949, dir. Raoul Walsh) [United States]
The 1950s
- All About Eve (1950, dir. Joseph L. Mankiewicz) [United States]
- The Asphalt Jungle (1950, dir. John Huston) [United States]
- Father of the Bride (1950, dir. Vincente Minnelli) [United States]
- Harvey (1950, dir. Henry Koster) [United States]
- Los Olvidados (1950, dir. Luis Buñuel) [Mexico]
- Night and the City (1950, dir. Jules Dassin) [United Kingdom]
- Orpheus (1950, dir. Jean Cocteau) [France]
- Sunset Boulevard (1950, dir. Billy Wilder) [United States]
- An American in Paris (1951, dir. Vincente Minnelli) [United States]
- A Christmas Carol (1951, dir. Brian Desmond Hurst) [United Kingdom]
- The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951, dir. Robert Wise) [United States]
- Early Summer (1951, dir. Yasujiro Ozu) [Japan]
- Rashomon (1951, dir. Akira Kurosawa) [Japan]
- Strangers on a Train (1951, dir. Alfred Hitchcock) [United States]
- A Streetcar Named Desire (1951, dir. Elia Kazan) [United States]
- The Thing (1951, dir. Christian Nyby) [United States]
- High Noon (1952, dir. Fred Zinnemann) [United States]
- Ikiru (1952, dir. Akira Kurosawa) [Japan]
- The Life of Oharu (1952, dir. Kenji Mizoguchi) [Japan]
- Othello (1952, dir. Orson Welles) [France, Italy, Morocco]
- The Quiet Man (1952, dir. John Ford) [United States]
- Singin’ in the Rain (1952, dir. Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly) [United States]
- The Band Wagon (1953, dir. Vincente Minnelli) [United States]
- The Big Heat (1953, dir. Fritz Lang) [United States]
- From Here to Eternity (1953, dir. Fred Zinnemann) [United States]
- Mr. Hulot’s Holiday (1953, dir. Jacques Tati) [France]
- Roman Holiday (1953, dir. William Wyler) [United States]
- Shane (1953, dir. George Stevens) [United States]
- Tokyo Story (1953, dir. Yasujiro Ozu) [Japan]
- Ugetsu Monogatari (1953, dir. Kenji Mizoguchi) [Japan]
- The Wages of Fear (1953, dir. Henri-Georges Clouzot) [France, Italy]
- Diabolique (1954, dir. Henri-Georges Clouzot) [France]
- La Strada (1954, dir. Federico Fellini) [Italy]
- On the Waterfront (1954, dir. Elia Kazan) [United States]
- Rear Window (1954, dir. Alfred Hitchcock) [United States]
- Sansho the Bailiff (1954, dir. Kenji Mizoguchi) [Japan]
- Seven Samurai (1954, dir. Akira Kurosawa) [Japan]
- Sabrina (1954, dir. Billy Wilder) [United States]
- East of Eden (1955, dir. Elia Kazan) [United States]
- Kiss Me Deadly (1955, dir. Robert Aldrich) [United States]
- The Night of the Hunter (1955, dir. Charles Laughton) [United States]
- Pather Panchali (1955, dir. Satyajit Ray) [India]
- Rebel Without a Cause (1955, dir. Nicholas Ray) [United States]
- Rififi (1955, dir. Jules Dassin) [France]
- The Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956, dir. Don Siegel) [United States]
- The King and I (1956, dir. Walter Lang) [United States]
- A Man Escaped (1956, dir. Robert Bresson) [France]
- The Red Balloon (1956, dir. Albert Lamorisse) [France]
- The Searchers (1956, dir. John Ford) [United States]
- The Ten Commandments (1956, dir. Cecil B. DeMille) [United States]
- The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957, dir. David Lean) [United Kingdom, United States]
- Les Mistons (1957, dir. François Truffaut) [France]
- Old Yeller (1957, dir. Robert Stevenson) [United States]
- The Seventh Seal (1957, dir. Ingmar Bergman) [Sweden]
- Wild Strawberries (1957, dir. Ingmar Bergman) [Sweden]
- Ashes and Diamonds (1958, dir. Andrzej Wajda) [Poland]
- Dwaj Ludzie z Szafy (1958, dir. Roman Polanski) [Poland]
- Mon Oncle (1958, dir. Jacques Tati) [France, Italy]
- Touch of Evil (1958, dir. Orson Welles) [United States]
- Vertigo (1958, dir. Alfred Hitchcock) [United States]
- Anatomy of a Murder (1959, dir. Otto Preminger) [United States]
- Ben-Hur (1959, dir. William Wyler) [United States]
- The 400 Blows (1959, dir. François Truffaut) [France]
- North by Northwest (1959, dir. Alfred Hitchcock) [United States]
- Some Like It Hot (1959, dir. Billy Wilder) [United States]
- The World of Apu (1959, dir. Satyajit Ray) [India]
The 1960s
- The Apartment (1960, dir. Billy Wilder) [United States]
- Breathless (1960, dir. Jean-Luc Godard) [France]
- L’Avventura (1960, dir. Michelangelo Antonioni) [France, Italy]
- La Dolce Vita (1960, dir. Federico Fellini) [France, Italy]
- Peeping Tom (1960, dir. Michael Powell) [United Kingdom]
- Psycho (1960, dir. Alfred Hitchcock) [United States]
- Rocco and His Brothers (1960, dir. Luchino Visconti) [France, Italy]
- The Hustler (1961, dir. Robert Rossen) [United States]
- Judgment at Nuremberg (1961, dir. Stanley Kramer) [United States]
- Last Year at Marienbad (1961, dir. Alain Resnais) [France, Italy]
- Night Journey (1961, dir. Alexander Hammid) [United States]
- A Raisin in the Sun (1961, dir. Daniel Petrie) [United States]
- West Side Story (1961, dir. Robert Wise) [United States]
- Yojimbo (1961, dir. Akira Kurosawa) [Japan]
- Jules and Jim (1962, dir. François Truffaut) [France]
- To Kill a Mockingbird (1962, dir. Robert Mulligan) [United States]
- La jetée (1962, dir. Chris Marker) [France]
- Lawrence of Arabia (1962, dir. David Lean) [United Kingdom, United States]
- The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962, dir. John Ford) [United States]
- The Manchurian Candidate (1962, dir. John Frankenheimer) [United States]
- The Music Man (1962, dir. Morton Da Costa) [United States]
- 8½ (1963, dir. Federico Fellini) [France, Italy]
- Hud (1963, dir. Martin Ritt) [United States]
- Le Fou Follet (1963, dir. Louis Malle) [France, Italy]
- The Leopard (1963, dir. Luchino Visconti) [France, Italy]
- This Sporting Life (1963, dir. Lindsay Anderson) [United Kingdom]
- Tom Jones (1963, dir. Tony Richardson) [United Kingdom]
- Dog Star Man (1964, dir. Stan Brakhage) [United States]
- Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964, dir. Stanley Kubrick) [United Kingdom, United States]
- Goldfinger (1964, dir. Guy Hamilton) [United Kingdom]
- A Hard Day’s Night (1964, dir. Richard Lester) [United Kingdom]
- My Fair Lady (1964, dir. George Cukor) [United States]
- The Pawnbroker (1964, dir. Sidney Lumet) [United States]
- The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964, dir. Jacques Demy) [France, West Germany]
- Woman in the Dunes (1964, dir. Hiroshi Teshigahara) [Japan]
- Cathy Come Home (1965, dir. Ken Loach) [United Kingdom]
- Doctor Zhivago (1965, dir. David Lean) [United Kingdom, United States]
- Pierre Le Fou (1965, dir. Jean-Luc Godard) [France, Italy]
- The Sound of Music (1965, dir. Robert Wise) [United States]
- Andrei Rublev (1966, dir. Andrei Tarkovsky) [Soviet Union]
- The Battle of Algiers (1966, dir. Gillo Pontecorvo) [Italy, Algeria]
- Blow-Up (1966, dir. Michelangelo Antonioni) [Italy, United Kingdom]
- Closely Watched Trains (1966, dir. Jiri Menzel) [Czechoslovakia]
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966, dir. Sergio Leone) [Italy, Spain]
- Marat / Sade (1966, dir. Peter Brook) [United Kingdom]
- Persona (1966, dir. Ingmar Bergman) [Sweden]
- Belle de Jour (1967, dir. Luis Buñuel) [France, Italy]
- Bonnie and Clyde (1967, dir. Arthur Penn) [United States]
- The Dirty Dozen (1967, dir. Robert Aldrich) [United Kingdom, United States]
- The Graduate (1967, dir. Mike Nichols) [United States]
- In Cold Blood (1967, dir. Richard Brooks) [United States]
- In the Heat of the Night (1967, dir. Norman Jewison) [United States]
- Point Blank (1967, dir. John Boorman) [United States]
- Wavelength (1967, dir. Michael Snow) [Canada, United States]
- Weekend (1967, dir. Jean-Luc Godard) [France, Italy]
- Funny Girl (1968, dir. William Wyler) [United States]
- Night of the Living Dead (1968, dir. George A. Romero) [United States]
- Oliver! (1968, dir. Carol Reed) [United Kingdom]
- Once Upon a Time in the West (1968, dir. Sergio Leone) [Italy, United States]
- Planet of the Apes (1968, dir. Franklin J. Schaffner) [United States]
- The Producers (1968, dir. Mel Brooks) [United States]
- Romeo and Juliet (1968, dir. Franco Zeffirelli) [Italy, United Kingdom]
- 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968, dir. Stanley Kubrick) [United Kingdom, United States]
- Army of Shadows (1969, dir. Jean-Pierre Melville) [France, Italy]
- Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969, dir. George Roy Hill) [United States]
- Easy Rider (1969, dir. Dennis Hopper) [United States]
- Infanzia, vocazione e prime esperienze di Giacomo Casanova Veneziano (1969, dir. Luigi Comencini) [Italy]
- Medium Cool (1969, dir. Haskell Wexler) [United States]
- Midnight Cowboy (1969, dir. John Schlesinger) [United States]
- My Night at Maud’s (1969, dir. Eric Rohmer) [France]
- The Wild Bunch (1969, dir. Sam Peckinpah) [United States]
The 1970s
- The Conformist (1970, dir. Bernardo Bertolucci) [France, Italy, West Germany]
- Five Easy Pieces (1970, dir. Bob Rafelson) [USA]
- M*A*S*H (1970, dir. Robert Altman) [USA]
- A Clockwork Orange (1971, dir. Stanley Kubrick) [UK]
- Dirty Harry (1971, dir. Don Siegel) [USA]
- Fiddler on the Roof (1971, dir. Norman Jewison) [USA]
- The French Connection (1971, dir. William Friedkin) [USA]
- La Region Centrale (1971, dir. Michael Snow)
- The Last Picture Show (1971, dir. Peter Bogdanovich) [USA]
- McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971, dir. Robert Altman) [USA]
- Walkabout (1971, dir. Nicolas Roeg) [Australia]
- Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972, dir. Werner Herzog) [West Germany, Peru]
- Cabaret (1972, dir. Bob Fosse) [USA]
- Cries and Whispers (1972, dir. Ingmar Bergman) [Sweden]
- Deliverance (1972, dir. John Boorman) [USA]
- The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972, Luis Buñuel) [France, Italy, Spain]
- The Godfather (1972, dir. Francis Ford Coppola) [USA]
- Last Tango in Paris (1972, dir. Bernardo Bertolucci) [France, Italy]
- Solaris (1972, dir. Andrei Tarkovsky) [USSR]
- American Graffiti (1973, dir. George Lucas) [USA]
- Badlands (1973, dir. Terrence Malick) [USA]
- The Exorcist (1973, dir. William Friedkin) [USA]
- Mean Streets (1973, dir. Martin Scorsese) [USA]
- The Mother and the Whore (1973, dir. Jean Eustache) [France]
- Serpico (1973, dir. Sidney Lumet) [USA]
- The Spirit of the Beehive (1973, dir. Victor Erice) [Spain]
- The Sting (1973, dir. George Roy Hill) [USA]
- Blazing Saddles (1974, dir. Mel Brooks) [USA]
- Chinatown (1974, dir. Roman Polanski) [USA]
- The Conversation (1974, dir. Francis Ford Coppola) [USA]
- The Godfather Part II (1974, dir. Francis Ford Coppola) [USA]
- The Mirror (1974, dir. Andrei Tarkovsky) [USSR]
- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974, dir. Tobe Hooper) [USA]
- A Woman Under the Influence (1974, dir. John Cassavetes) [USA]
- Young Frankenstein (1974, dir. Mel Brooks) [USA]
- Barry Lyndon (1975, dir. Stanley Kubrick) [UK]
- Dog Day Afternoon (1975, dir. Sidney Lumet) [USA]
- The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser (1975, dir. Werner Herzog) [West Germany]
- Jaws (1975, dir. Steven Spielberg) [USA]
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975, dir. Terry Gilliam & Terry Jones) [UK]
- Nashville (1975, dir. Robert Altman) [USA]
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975, dir. Milos Forman) [USA]
- Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975, dir. Peter Weir) [Australia]
- All the President’s Men (1976, dir. Alan J. Pakula) [USA]
- Helter Skelter (1976, dir. Tom Gries) [USA]
- Man of Marble (1976, dir. Andrzej Wajda) [Poland]
- Network (1976, dir. Sidney Lumet) [USA]
- Rocky (1976, dir. John G. Avildsen) [USA]
- Taxi Driver (1976, dir. Martin Scorsese) [USA]
- Annie Hall (1977, dir. Woody Allen) [USA]
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977, dir. Steven Spielberg) [USA]
- Eraserhead (1977, dir. David Lynch) [USA]
- The Last Wave (1977, dir. Peter Weir) [Australia]
- Saturday Night Fever (1977, dir. John Badham) [USA]
- Star Wars (1977, dir. George Lucas) [USA]
- Autumn Sonata (1978, dir. Ingmar Bergman) [Sweden, Norway, West Germany]
- The Deer Hunter (1978, dir. Michael Cimino) [USA]
- Halloween (1978, dir. John Carpenter) [USA]
- National Lampoon’s Animal House (1978, dir. John Landis) [USA]
- Alien (1979, Ridley Scott) [UK, USA]
- Apocalypse Now (1979, dir. Francis Ford Coppola) [USA]
- Don Giovanni (1979, dir. Joseph Losey) [France, Italy, West Germany]
- Manhattan (1979, dir. Woody Allen) [USA]
- The Marriage of Maria Braun (1979, dir. Rainer Werner Fassbinder) [West Germany]
The 1980s
- Airplane! (1980, dir. David Zucker, Jerry Zucker & Jim Abrahams) [United States]
- Berlin Alexanderplatz (1980, dir. Rainer Werner Fassbinder) [Italy, West Germany]
- The Empire Strikes Back (1980, dir. Irvin Kershner) [United States]
- Raging Bull (1980, dir. Martin Scorsese) [United States]
- Das Boot (1981, dir. Wolfgang Petersen) [West Germany]
- My Dinner with Andre (1981, dir. Louis Malle) [United States]
- Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981, dir. Steven Spielberg) [United States]
- The Road Warrior (1981, dir. George Miller) [Australia]
- Blade Runner (1982, dir. Ridley Scott) [United States]
- Diner (1982, dir. Barry Levinson) [United States]
- The Draughtsman’s Contract (1982, dir. Peter Greenaway) [United Kingdom]
- E.T.: the Extra-Terrestrial (1982, dir. Steven Spielberg) [United States]
- The Executioner’s Song (1982, dir. Lawrence Schiller) [United States]
- Fanny & Alexander (1982, dir. Ingmar Bergman) [France, Sweden, West Germany]
- Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982, dir. Amy Heckerling) [United States]
- Gandhi (1982, dir. Richard Attenborough) [India, United Kingdom]
- La Traviata (1982, dir. Franco Zeffirelli) [Italy]
- The Thing (1982, dir. John Carpenter) [United States]
- Tootsie (1982, dir. Sydney Pollack) [United States]
- A Christmas Story (1983, dir. Bob Clark) [Canada, United States]
- Local Hero (1983, dir. Bill Forsyth) [United Kingdom]
- The Right Stuff (1983, dir. Philip Kaufman) [United States]
- Terms of Endearment (1983, dir. James L. Brooks) [United States]
- Amadeus (1984, dir. Milos Forman) [United States]
- Blood Simple (1984, dir. Joel Coen) [United States]
- A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984, dir. Wes Craven) [United States]
- Once Upon a Time in America (1984, dir. Sergio Leone) [Italy, United States]
- Stranger Than Paradise (1984, dir. Jim Jarmusch) [United States, West Germany]
- The Terminator (1984, dir. James Cameron) [United States]
- This Is Spinal Tap (1984, dir. Rob Reiner) [United States]
- Brazil (1985, dir. Terry Gilliam) [United Kingdom]
- Ran (1985, dir. Akira Kurosawa) [France, Japan]
- Blue Velvet (1986, dir. David Lynch) [United States]
- Hannah and Her Sisters (1986, dir. Woody Allen) [United States]
- A Room with a View (1986, dir. James Ivory) [United Kingdom]
- The Singing Detective (1986, dir. Jon Amiel) [United Kingdom]
- Hope and Glory (1987, dir. John Boorman) [United Kingdom]
- The Last Emperor (1987, dir. Bernardo Bertolucci) [China, Italy, United Kingdom, Hong Kong]
- Moonstruck (1987, dir. Norman Jewison) [United States]
- The Princess Bride (1987, dir. Rob Reiner) [United States]
- Raising Arizona (1987, dir. Joel Coen) [United States]
- Wings of Desire (1987, dir. Wim Wenders) [France, West Germany]
- Withnail & I (1987, dir. Bruce Robinson) [United Kingdom]
- Big (1988, dir. Penny Marshall) [United States]
- Die Hard (1988, dir. John McTiernan) [United States]
- The Vanishing (1988, dir. George Sluizer) [France, Netherlands]
- City of Sadness (1989, dir. Hou Hsiao-Hsien) [Taiwan]
- Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989, dir. Woody Allen) [United States]
- Do the Right Thing (1989, dir. Spike Lee) [United States]
- Drugstore Cowboy (1989, dir. Gus Van Sant) [United States]
- The Killer (1989, dir. John Woo) [Hong Kong]
- sex, lies and videotape (1989, dir. Steven Soderbergh) [United States]
- Time of the Gypsies (1989, dir. Emir Kusturica) [Yugoslavia]
The 1990s
- Cyrano De Bergerac (1990, dir. Jean-Paul Rappeneau) [France]
- GoodFellas (1990, dir. Martin Scorsese) [United States]
- The Grifters (1990, dir. Stephen Frears) [United States]
- Barton Fink (1991, dir. Joel Coen) [United States]
- Boyz ‘N the Hood (1991, dir. John Singleton) [United States]
- A Brighter Summer Day (1991, dir. Edward Yang) [Taiwan]
- La Belle Noiseuse (1991, dir. Jacques Rivette) [France]
- Raise the Red Lantern (1991, dir. Zhang Yimou) [China, Hong Kong, Taiwan]
- The Silence of the Lambs (1991, dir. Jonathan Demme) [United States]
- Slacker (1991, dir. Richard Linklater) [United States]
- Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991, dir. James Cameron) [United States]
- Thelma & Louise (1991, dir. Ridley Scott) [Australia, United States]
- The Crying Game (1992, dir. Neil Jordan) [United Kingdom, United States, Ireland]
- Howards End (1992, dir. James Ivory) [United Kingdom, United States]
- Malcolm X (1992, dir. Spike Lee) [United States]
- Reservoir Dogs (1992, dir. Quentin Tarantino) [United States]
- Unforgiven (1992, dir. Clint Eastwood) [United States]
- The Piano (1993, dir. Jane Campion) [Australia, France]
- Schindler’s List (1993, dir. Steven Spielberg) [United States]
- Short Cuts (1993, dir. Robert Altman) [United States]
- Chungking Express (1994, dir. Wong Kar-Wai) [Hong Kong]
- Ed Wood (1994, dir. Tim Burton) [United States]
- Pulp Fiction (1994, dir. Quentin Tarantino) [United States]
- Red (1994, dir. Krzysztof Kieslowski) [France, Poland, Switzerland]
- Babe (1995, dir. Chris Noonan) [Australia]
- Breaking the Waves (1996, dir. Lars von Trier) [Denmark, France, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway]
- Fargo (1996, dir. Joel Coen) [United States]
- Boogie Nights (1997, dir. Paul Thomas Anderson) [United States]
- Das Schloß (1997, dir. Michael Haneke) [Austria]
- The Sweet Hereafter (1997, dir. Atom Egoyan) [Canada]
- Titanic (1997, dir. James Cameron) [United States]
- After Life (1998, dir. Hirokazu Kore-eda) [Japan]
- Eternity and a Day (1998, dir. Theo Angelopoulos) [France, Greece, Italy]
- Out of Sight (1998, dir. Steven Soderbergh) [United States]
- Rushmore (1998, dir. Wes Anderson) [United States]
- Saving Private Ryan (1998, dir. Steven Spielberg) [United States]
- All About My Mother (1999, dir. Pedro Almodóvar) [France, Spain]
- Being John Malkovich (1999, dir. Spike Jonze) [United Kingdom, United States]
- The Matrix (1999, dir. Andy Wachowski & Larry Wachowski) [United States]
- Topsy-Turvy (1999, dir. Mike Leigh) [United Kingdom]
The 2000s
- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000, dir. Ang Lee) [China, Hong Kong, United States, Taiwan]
- Djomeh (2000, dir. Hassan Yektapanah) [France, Iran]
- Yi Yi (2000, dir. Edward Yang) [Japan, Taiwan]
- Talk to Her (2002, dir. Pedro Almodóvar) [Spain]
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003, dir. Peter Jackson) [New Zealand, United States]
- Before Sunset (2004, dir. Richard Linklater) [United States]
- Pan’s Labyrinth (2006, dir. Guillermo del Toro) [Mexico, Spain]
- 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (2007, dir. Cristian Mungiu) [Netherlands, Romania]
The 2010s
- Nuit #1 (2011, dir. Anne Émond) [Canada]
- Barbara (2012, dir. Christian Petzold) [Germany]
- Like Father, Like Son (2013, dir. Hirokazu Koreeda) [Japan]
- Boyhood (2014, dir. Richard Linklater) [United States]
- The Raid 2 (2014, dir. Gareth Evans) [Indonesia]
- The Revenant (2015, dir. Alejandro G. Iñárritu) [United States]
- Gavagai (2016, dir. Rob Tregenza) [Canada, Germany, Norway]
- La La Land (2016, dir. Damien Chazelle) [United States]
- Hereditary (2018, dir. Ari Aster) [United States]
The 2020s
- Quo vadis, Aida? (2020, dir. Jasmilla Zbanic) [Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, France, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Turkey]
- Aftersun (2022, dir. Charlotte Wells) [United Kingdom, United States]
- Bundles (2022, dir. Ryan Jordan & Jeffrey Leslie) [United States]

Animated Films
- Little Nemo (1911, dir. Winsor McCay) [United States]
- How a Mosquito Operates (1912, dir. Winsor McCay) [United States]
- The Old Mill (1937, dir. Wilfred Jackson) [United States]
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937, dir. William Cottrell, Walt Disney, David Hand, Wilfred Jackson, Larry Morey, Perce Pearce, Ben Sharpsteen, Webb Smith, Dorothy Ann Blank, Richard Creedon, Dick Richard & Merrill de Maris) [United States]
- Fantasia (1940, dir. James Algar, Samuel Armstrong, Ford I. Beebe, Walt Disney, Graham Heid, Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske, Bill Roberts, Paul Satterfield, Ben Sharpsteen, Norman Wright, Sylvia Moberly-Holland, Albert Heath, Bianca Majolie, Jim Handley & T. Hee) [United States]
- Pinocchio (1940, dir. Walt Disney, Norman Ferguson, Wilfred Jackson, Jack Kinney, Hamilton Luske, Bill Roberts, Ben Sharpsteen & T. Hee) [United States]
- Dumbo (1941, dir. Samuel Armstrong, Norman Ferguson, Wilfred Jackson, Jack Kinney, Bill Roberts & Ben Sharpsteen) [United States]
- Bambi (1942, dir. James Algar, Samuel Armstrong, David Hand, Graham Heid, Perce Pearce, Bill Roberts, Paul Satterfield& Norman Wright) [United States]
- Fast and Furry-ous (1949, dir. Chuck Jones) [United States]
- For Scent-imental Reasons (1949, dir. Chuck Jones) [United States]
- What’s Opera, Doc? (1957, dir. Chuck Jones) [United States]
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1965, dir. Chuck Jones) [United States]
- Skazka Skazok (1979, dir. Yuri Norstein) [Soviet Union]
- Akira (1988, dir. Katsuhiro Otomo) [Japan]
- Grave of the Fireflies (1988, dir. Isao Takahata) [Japan]
- The Little Mermaid (1989, dir. Ron Clements & John Musker) [United States]
- Beauty and the Beast (1991, dir. Gary Trousdale & Kirk Wise) [United States]
- A Close Shave (1995, dir. Nick Park) [United Kingdom]
- Toy Story (1995, dir. John Lasseter) [United States]
- Princess Mononoke (1997, dir. Hayao Miyazaki) [Japan]
- Toy Story 2 (1999, dir. John Lasseter & Lee Unkrich & Ash Brannon) [United States]
- Spirited Away (2001, dir. Hayao Miyazaki) [Japan]
- Finding Nemo (2003, dir. Andrew Stanton & Lee Unkrich) [United States]
- The Book of Life (2014, dir. Jorge R. Gutierrez) [United States]
- Incredibles 2 (2018, dir. Brad Bird) [United States]

Documentary Films
- Nanook of the North (1922, dir. Robert Flaherty) [United States]
- Kinoglaz (1924, dir. Dziga Vertov) [Soviet Union]
- Grass (1925, dir. Merian C. Cooper & Ernest B. Schoedsack) [United States]
- The Man with a Movie Camera (1929, dir. Dziga Vertov) [Soviet Union]
- Man of Aran (1934, dir. Robert Flaherty) [United Kingdom]
- Triumph of the Will (1934, dir. Leni Riefenstahl) [Germany]
- Olympia (1938, dir. Leni Riefenstahl) [Germany]
- Night and Fog (1955, dir. Alain Resnais) [France]
- The Silent World (1956, dir. Jacques-Ives Costeau & Louis Malle) [France, Italy]
- To Die in Madrid (1963, dir. Frédéric Rossif) [France]
- Dead Birds (1964, dir. Robert Gardner) [Netherlands, United States]
- Point of Order! (1964, dir. Emile de Antonio) [United States]
- The Tokyo Olympiad (1965, dir. Kon Ichikawa) [Japan, United States]
- Don’t Look Back (1967, dir. D.A. Pennebaker) [United States]
- A Face of War (1967, dir. Eugene S. Jones) [United States]
- La Hora de Los Hornos (1968, dir. Fernando E. Solanas & Octavia Getino) [Argentina]
- Phantom India (1968, dir. Louis Malle) [France]
- 17e Parallele Le Vietnam En Guerre (1968, dir. Joris Ivens & Marcelline Loridan) [France]
- King: A Filmed Record… From Montgomery to Memphis (1970, dir. Sidney Lumet & Joseph L. Mankiewicz) [United States]
- Now: Eye of the Storm (1970, dir. William Peters) [United States]
- The Rolling Stones: Gimme Shelter (1970, dir. Albert Maysles, David Maysles & Charlotte Mitchell Zwerin) [United States]
- Woodstock (1970, dir. Michael Wadleigh) [United States]
- The Sorrow and the Pity (1971, dir. Marcel Ophüls) [France, Switzerland, West Germany]
- F for Fake (1973, dir. Orson Welles) [France, Iran]
- Hearts and Minds (1974, dir. Peter Davis) [United States]
- Harlan County, USA (1976, dir. Barbara Kopple) [United States]
- Gates of Heaven (1978, dir. Errol Morris) [United States]
- The Last Waltz (1978, dir. Martin Scorsese) [United States]
- From Mao to Mozart: Isaac Stern in China (1979, dir. Murray Lerner) [United States]
- Burden of Dreams (1982, dir. Les Blank) [United States]
- The Compleat Beatles (1982, dir. Patrick Montgomery) [United States]
- Koyaanisqatsi (1982, dir. Godfrey Reggio) [United States]
- The Times of Harvey Milk (1983, dir. Robert Epstein) [United States]
- Stop Making Sense (1984, dir. Jonathan Demme) [United States]
- Shoah (1985, dir. Claude Lanzmann) [France, Switzerland]
- Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam (Bill Couturie) [United States]
- Hotel Terminus: Klaus Barbie et son Temps (1988, dir. Marcel Ophüls) [France, United States]
- The Thin Blue Line (1988, dir. Errol Morris) [United States]
- Roger & Me (1989, dir. Michael Moore) [United States]
- Sorrow: The Nazi Legacy (1993) [United States]
- Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould (1993, dir. François Girard) [Canada]
- Visions of Light: The Art of Cinematography (1993, dir. Stuart Samuels, Arnold Glassman, Todd McCarthy & Andrew Glassman) [Japan, United States]
- Hoop Dreams (1994, dir. Steve James) [United States]
- The Celluloid Closet (1995, dir. Robert Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman) [United States]
- The Battle Over Citizen Kane (1996, dir. Michael Epstein & Thomas Lennon) [United States]
- When We Were Kings (1996, dir. Leon Gast) [United States]
- The Miracle of Birth (1998) [United States]
- Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport (2000, dir. Mark Jonathan Harris) [United States]
- Up the Yangtze (2008, dir. Yung Chang) [Canada]
- Gideon’s Army (2013, dir. Dawn Porter) [United States]
- We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks (2013, dir. Alex Gibney) [United States]
- Virunga (2014, dir. Orlando Von Einsiedel) [United Kingdom]
- Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck (2015, dir. Brett Morgan) [United States]
- King in the Wilderness (2018, dir. Peter W. Kunhardt) [United States]

Performance Films
- Richard Pryor: Live in Concert (1979, dir. Jeff Margolis) [United States]

- I, Claudius (1976, dir. Herbert Wise) [United Kingdom]
- Roots (1977, dir. Martin J. Chomsky, John Erman, David Greene & Gilbert Moses) [United States]
- The Decalogue (1988, dir. Krzysztof Kieslowski) [Poland]
- The Civil War (1990, dir. Ken Burns) [United States]
- Angels in America (2003, dir. Mike Nichols) [United States]

- Your Show of Shows (1950, cr. Sylvester L. Weaver Jr.) [United States]
- I Love Lucy (1951) [United States]
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955, cr. Alfred Hitchcock) [United States]
- The Ed Sullivan Show (1955) [United States]
- The Honeymooners (1955, cr. Jackie Gleason) [United States]
- The Twilight Zone (1959, cr. Rod Serling) [United States]
- Doctor Who (1963, cr. Sydney Newman, C. E. Webber & Donald Wilson) [United Kingdom]
- Star Trek (1966, cr. Gene Roddenberry) [United States]
- Monty Python’s Flying Circus (1969, cr. Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Michael Palin & Terry Gilliam) [United Kingdom]
- Sesame Street (1969, cr. Joan Ganz Cooney & Lloyd Morrisett) [United States]
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show (1970, cr. James L. Brooks & Allan Burns) [United States]
- M*A*S*H (1972) [United States]
- Fawlty Towers (1975, cr. John Cleese & Connie Booth) [United Kingdom]
- Saturday Night Live (1975, cr. Lorne Michaels) [United States]
- The Muppet Show (1976, cr. Jim Henson) [United Kingdom, United States]
- Hill Street Blues (1981, cr. Steven Bochco) [United States]
- Cheers (1982, cr. Glen Charles, Les Charles & James Burrows) [United States]
- Seinfeld (1989, cr. Jerry Seinfeld & Larry David) [United States]
- The Simpsons (1989, cr. Matt Groening) [United States]
- Twin Peaks (1990, cr. David Lynch & Mark Frost) [United States]
- The Sopranos (1999, cr. David Chase) [United States]
- The Office (2001, cr. Ricky Gervais & Stephen Merchant) [United Kingdom]